Social Mobility in Michigan: Where do we go from here? 2024. Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
How to Boost Income Mobility in the UK. 2024. Institute for Economic Affairs (with Vincent Geloso)
Pro-Market Reforms Promote Income Mobility: The Case of Alberta. 2024. Montreal Economic Institute. (with Vincent Geloso and Alicia Plemmons)
Social Mobility in the 50 States. 2023. Archbridge Institute (with Gonzalo Schwarz). Covered in: Forbes, Marginal Revolution, The Center Square.
Freedom to Climb: The Connection between Economic Freedom and Upward Mobility. 2023. Profectus Magazine.
Economic Freedom and Social Mobility: What does it Mean for Puerto Rico? 2023. Instituto de Libertad Economica.
Economic Mobility, the Rule of Law, and Property Rights Protection. 2022. Archbridge Institute.
Economic Mobility, Business Dynamism, and Barriers to Entrepreneurship: A Preliminary Examination. 2022. Archbridge Institute.
Trump 2.0’s impact on social mobility: the good, the bad, and the uncertain. 2024. American Thinker.
The American Dream is Alive in North Dakota. 2024. The Bismark Tribune (with John Bitzan).
Nowhere to go but up: Why Louisiana ranks last in social mobility. 2024. The Hammond Star.
Utah tops social mobility rankings: What others can learn, what can be improved. 2024. Standard-Examiner.
Louisiana needs dynamism to fuel an economic comeback. 2023. The Center Square.
Care about economic mobility? Who deserves your 2024 vote? 2023. Real Clear Politics.
Great quarterbacks aren’t actually paid that much. 2023.
Louisiana isn’t living up to the mobility hype. 2023. The Center Square.
A Graduate Student's Review of Jason Brenna's Good Work if You Can Get It: How to Succeed in Academia. 2020. American Institute for Economic Research.
Economics of Flourishing: On Social Capital. Archbridge Institute.
Economics of Flourishing: On Education and Early Childhood. Archbridge Institute.
Economics of Flourishing: On Institutions and the Rule of Law. Archbridge Institute.
Economics of Flourishing: On Entrepreneurship and Business Dynamism. Archbridge Institute.
Economics of Flourishing: Justin Callais on Social Mobility in the 50 States. Archbridge Institute.
How Charity Builds Social Mobility. Giving Ventures Podcast, DonorsTrust.
What Utah’s ranking as best state for social mobility teaches us about poverty. Sutherland Institute’s Defending Ideas Podcast.
Top 5 Ways That Social Mobility Helps Americans. Let People Prosper Show with Vance Ginn.
How Charity Builds Social Capital. Podcast Interview on Giving Ventures Podcast, DonorsTrust.
Economic ‘Inequality’ isn’t the Problem. Podcast Interview on Free to Offend Podcast, Nevada Policy.
Economic Freedom Drives Social Mobility. Webinar for Archbridge Institute.
Economic Mobility, Business Dynamism, and Barriers to Entrepreneurship: A Preliminary Examination. Panel Participant on "Removing and Reducing Regulatory Barriers for Entrepreneurs." American Legislative Exchange Council.
Economic Freedom, Industry Diversity, and Resilience. Panel Participant on "Economic Freedom and Local Economies: What Does the Research Say?" Birdwell Institute for Economic Freedom at Southern Methodist University.
Connecting Economic Freedom and Economic Mobility. Archbridge Institute Podcast.
Why is Louisiana So Corrupt? Lipton Matthews Podcast.